was super bored at home , so decided to go look for my friend at hougang mall , slakc till 5plus to 6 cab down to bugis there and look for kellyn`beloved and vernice , around 7 , kellyn when for work , while me and vernice wait for her around there , and accompany vernice to make her tattoo . so drag and drag the time until kellyn`beloved knock off , she still haven't decided what to make! and so me and kellyn went over to the toilet and camwored, if you guy eye is sharp enough , there some photo i'm with a scarf , and tht is lastest one okays , limited edition , nobody have it la , even kellyn`beloved also don't have it! hahas , and at 1o plus , we went to have chicken rice for our dinner , and bus 8o back to cp , and went vern house downstair and slack awhile , till 3plus , and her dog was so cute la! haahs , there alot pic too(:
went for work , and my city chain boy didn't work la!!!! sad man! and so chit chat at there , play bingo , eat , and slack , until 7plus , we decided to play game , and tht is 'acting rich taitai' . we even record that viedo down too! and was super duper funny la , and tht make me laugh for 1o min , and is all with my friend , will upload when my friend send me! haahsh ,and we going to play again on next week! hahas .(: and shu fang came look for us , and she brought us munchy dounut! and i eat until like this:
see , that my black lip! and for today , went out at night only , go meet andrew yitan and desheng around night time , talk crap and play around , and cab to coffeeshop to look for my cousin , and homeeeee!!!
this few day make me HATE home alot! really!
and don't ask me why!
feel like running home . can i?