althOugh tuudae wass damn tiired . btt miie still wann tuu ryte . cOs iib nOrtt ii sure will fergortt derr . haas . hmmm . tuudae wake up att 1o plUss . d3nn abtt 11.15 d3nn wh3n Obb ferr wOrk . d3nn wOrk till 4 15 lyk tt d3nn gO hm nn bathe . cOuntiiue mOii secOnd statiiOn . haas . mOii sEcOnd station iishh gO mariina . fiirstly gO hOme nn bathe fiirstt . d3nn bathe haO lerr . miie jiiu gO miit vernniice att bus-stp . d3nn we man man walk tuu the MRT iinsiide . nn waiit ferr yii tiiann . keviin . baNaNa nn dOnald dUck . d3nn haO lerr . att biirstt sae wann gO tuu the bugiis nn buyy pres3ntt derr . d3nn endd up . gO tuu the paze sIngapura nn buyy . d3nn miie nn vernn share mOney nn buyy 1 t-shiirtt ferr hiim . d3nn haO lerr . wee jiiu hurrii upp rushh tuu the mariina bay lerr . cOs we r late ferr iit Orealii . d3nn abtt 5 plus or 6 plus d3nn reach dere . d3nn reachh d3re . grace theyy all was damn buayy sOng . cOs theyy abtt 1 smth jiiu reach dere lerr . they att dere waitt derr abtt 4 hOur . haiishh . shO sOrry . nxtt tym we sure will b latee lerr . d3nn we jiiu gO tuu the arcade nn plae . Our bOss (jeremy) nn Our biirthdae bOii gO plae Para Para . haas . d3nn jiiu go eatt lerr . d3nn we eatt nn plae . we take aLott Ob thiink . btt thiink endd up iishh ii thiink all the bOii eatt up all . haas . gudd . nOrtt bad wOr . haas . d3nn arber eattiing . we jiiu gO iinsiide nn play bOwliing . d3nn plae till lyk 10smth . cOs everyOne wass tiired . d3nn jiiu gO lerr nOhrx . d3nn we att bUs-stp take fOtO . haas . iishh the biirstt tym shO manyy peOple take fOtO together . haas . d3nn the biirstt tymm iishh the guyy take . d3nn the secOnd tym iishh take tuugether , wee ask peOple tuu take ferr us . haas , d3nn arber 5miin the bUss cOme lerr . d3nn wee at the bus plae . hass . d3nn still gOrtt sOme ppl dunchx habb tuu tab the ez-liink cardd jiiu cann up the bUs . haiishh . zhaO zhii daO jiiu dunchx tab mOii card lerr larr . d3nn arber tt we jiiu take Mrtt go back tuu sengg kangg . d3nn iinsiide the Mrtt wass shO funn . we keep shOutt here nn dere . d3nn wh3nn reach senqq kanqq eveybOdy jiiu gO theiir Ownn wae lerr . haas . lOls .
Saturday, March 04, 2006Y
hmmm . tuudae . att biirstt iishh a quiite bOriing dae iin thiishh mOrniing der . cOs iin class nObOdy wanna tuu siit wiib miie sOb sOb . =(( . d3nn arber recess . iishh wass shO funn . cOs arber recess till arber sKoOl . Our klass was keep playiing . naber study att all . haas . cannOrtt blame . cOs we tuu cleber lerr . haas . lOls . d3nn the mOstt fuun iishh at the math lessOn . d3nn ms. tang naber cOme marhx . d3nn gOrtt 1 teacher . btt lOok lyk n auntiie siia . haas . tOt she lOokiing ferr her dAughter or sOn nehx . she quite funnii . haas . d3nn jiiu play n play till the d&t tym nOrhx . haas . d3nn tuudae gOrtx back the dnt paper . haas . miie realii pass mOii testt paper nehx . haas . weepee!!! shO happii . hmm . btw . miie nw Orealii pass math . eOa and dNt . haas . d3n Other derr duO failled by 1 or 2 mark siia . haiishh . sOb sOb . happii tat the teacher will giib miie mOre markx . haiishh . d3nn arber skOol miie vernniice n meii junn jiiuu take 372 tuu cOmpass . cOs wee tuu lazii tuu walk tuu dere haas. d3nn wh3nn reach cp lerr . we jiiu gO tuu the secOnd flOor nn buyy takOyakii nn eatt . miie buyy "octpus'' d3nn verniice buyy chiichenn derr .d3nn eatt haO lerr . jiiu peii vernniice tuu the 3rd flOor nn c gOrtt sell the remOve the panda eye anOrtt . bt iin the end naber buyy . haiishh . d3nn jiiu gO hOme lerr . d3nn arber ttatt 4plus miit agaiin . dunchx knw 1 week habb tuu miit her hw many tym . haas . d3nn miie abtt 4.3o d3nn reach the buss stpp . d3nn wh3nn reachh kOvann iishh Orealii 4.52p.m lerr . d3nn gO tOilet jiiu start wOrk lerr .d3nn dO dO dO till 9 plus d3nn cann gO . cOs still habb tuu wash thiishh n that . argh!!!!! ii hate the peach tea derr machiines . iishh shO suck siia . FCUK . ii hatee iit . d3nn we jiiu hurrii upp washh d3nn jiiu gO tuu the s3cOnd flOor nn buyy sushii derr . d3nn iin the end all sOld Outt derr . everytym gO oup tuu the secOnd flOor jiiu shii c her cLose the shOp iib nOrtt jiiu shii stand att dere tOk On the fOne . nxt tym sure mUstt gO up early lerr . iib nOrtt everythiink dun habb againn . d3nn jiiu take 112 tuu the hOughang iinter-change . d3nn he vernniice man man walk tuu the buss-stp . cOs tml nO skOol . jiiu cann late late gO hm . d3nn waiit n waiit . waiit till damn lOng . d3nn vernn derr bus cOme biirstt , d3nn behiind derr bus jiiu shii wO derr bus lerr . d3nn jiiu gO hOme lerr nOrhx .
swiit dream
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Wednesday, March 01, 2006Y
lyk thiishh fOtO lOads . taK3n att hOugang mal derr pretty piix . bt fergOrtt wh3n derr . haas . 
tuudae iishh nOrtt a gud dae . juz wanna sae . wadd a bOriingg dae
ii hate tuudae . cOs gOrtt wOrkx . d3nn hOpe ttatt tuudae d3rr
new manager will berrii niice . nOrtt lyk DA-jiie & pAuL jiiu ke-yii lerr . haas . cOs ii hate tth3m lOads . ii hate yiiew all . XD . KNS!!! . ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006