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Sunday, September 25, 2005Y
w3lcome to siingapore

haiiz...todae wake upp att 9.30smth...prepare thiink d3n waiting fer my sis to b okiie...d3n w3n my sis hao le jiu can go le...d3n we go to j8 add first wan to go to a-wei autograph de...d3n my sis sae wan to go to bugi...d3n we all go to bugi...we go to bugi...we saw zhang shan wei...so happy...d3n after tt we sit cab n follow him to jurong point...we shun biang go d3re walk walk...hehex....we stay at jurong point abt till 3smth...d3n we left jurong point...d3n go to j8 again...at d3re waiting fer the autograph to start...abt 4.15 d3n start...arber the autograph...we w3n off le...bt my sis n her frenz countiue to follow...so i go hm...before go hm...i go to newbie n buy my t-shiirt...berri expensive...$22.90...so expensive...bt i still buy...cos the design is berri nice...hehe...d3n arber tt...home sweet home...

Sunday, September 25, 2005 happyy-stopp

Wednesday, September 14, 2005Y
siit wrong bus...

gortt 6dae naber wriite le...haiiz...siian...todae...wake at abit late...slp till 6.15a.m...arber at biirst wan to go down eariiler de...d3n can c my bus-stp-boii mah...bt...w3n i w3n down..hiishh bus gone...so too bad...naber saw hiim...sad...d3n i w3n to another bus-stp...gorrt 161 de...d3n w3n i saw 159turn out...juz niice he 88 comiin...d3n ii though iishh 159...so ii gett iinto 88 d3 bus...cos i though iishh 159 so ii w3n upp lor...bt w3n the bus gortt turn another way...d3n i realize tt i habb sit the wrong bus...i was berrii angry wiib my ownself...hw come ii be come so blurr...d3n i hurri upp gett d0wn the bus...n w3n to the oppsiite d3n bus-stp n take 156 to sk0ol...bt w3n i reach the oppsiite d3 bus-stp...it areali 7a.m le...so ii wan to take cab to sk0ol...bt at tt tym there iishh no cab,berrii difference to habb cab d3...d3n about another 5to 10miin...fiinally the 156 come...ii wass shoo happi...coss ii though i was late ferr sk0ol ler...hehex...n btw...i wan to sae HAPPI BIRTHDAE TO VERNICE...hehex...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 happyy-stopp

Thursday, September 08, 2005Y

todae at 4smth w3n to cp n meet vern de...at first we meet 3.45 at cph outside...d3n w3n i tied finish my hair areali 3.45 liao...d3n w3n i prepare all my thiink wan to leave liao...it 4 le...d3n i took cab to cp...on thw way...the taxi driver is damn funning...wahaha...w3n i reach cph outsiide...verniice stil habb nortt reach d3re..."hai wo hua le $3smth on the cab"haiiz...d3n we go to fiiona hse d3re n chit chat...d3n fiiona v funnii...she sae he scared her handfone bill bomb...d3n she open the letter n c...youu knw hw much...onlii 30smth....need to scared until lyk tt...miie 50smth areali v heng liao leh...d3n arber tt...we three w3n to cp again...n eat our fav food...takoyaki....n sw3et...arber eating fiiniish...we s3n home le...

home sweet home...
lastest updated:

Thursday, September 08, 2005 happyy-stopp

Sunday, September 04, 2005Y
w3n tto aiir-portt...

alttoughh tto daee iish satt daee...bt ii stiil wakee upp iin thee samee tymm as i goiin to sk0ol...bt abiit latee larr...hehex...c0s we goo d3re n c h3r thee lastt tymm...c0ss iif nt...need tto waiit tiil sk0oll ree-openn l3...haiiz...gracee don'tt worry...we all wiil miiz youu dee...hehex...n shee oso saee tt shee goo there wiil buyy uss presentt d3...soo don'tt breakk promiisee okiie...hehex...d3n wee att aiir-portt...we all runn here n dere...so fun...n the air-port so big...berlii niice tto run..hehex...w3n gracee reachh air-portt...we wiil soo happii...n shee becomee moree n moree chiio lee...n becomee moree moree womann le...i m soo happii...hehe...bt iif youu ntt att siingaporee...verniicee wiil don't habb parttenn lee...in thee workk larr...bt luckiily stiil gtt zhii huii...hehex...d3nn afterr aiir-portt miie dorothyy,zhii huii n verniice goo tto juntiiconn8...wee wenn d3re iishh too meet kok sheng kevin dere all dee...btt...w3n wee reachh d3re...theyy saee they goo hm le...i wass shoo angryy...bt nvmm...luckiily wee all peii zhii huii goo...iif ntt...shee suree 1 personn d3...d3nn wee all goo n takee neoopriintt...we takee twoo tymm...bt wiib thee diifferent machiine...btt ii don'tt lykk thee secoond machiine...coss v lann...n oso wiil blockk eiitherr onee obb ourr facee...soo i donn'tt lykk tt machiinee...d3nn arberr tt wee goo too outt obb thee juntiionn8 n waiit ferr zhii huii dee parentt...coss...theyy goiin tto herr cousiin burfdaee partyy...att fiirst verniicee,dorothyy n miie wannaa goo wiib herr deenn...bt iib wee goo theree...hww rr wee goo hhm...n theiir parentt suree goo tiil berri latee dee lorr...soo iin thee endd...wee naberr goo...wee goo tto compass poiintt n walkk...d3nn dorothyy at deree goo hm herrselff...coss shee saee shee canntt stayy tiil latee...soo wee peii herr walkk tiil thee lrtt outsiidee...d3nn onlii leftt miie n verniicee lerr...soo wee w3n tto toiilet biirt..arberr tt w3 tto macc n driink waterr n siit downn dare n takee a restt...btt arberr 5min...verniice saee shee wanna goo eatt applee piie...soo i oso peii herr buyy larr..btt ii buyy thee norrtt sammee dee...i buaii icee-creamm...arberr macc...wee goo tto buaii haiir-cliip n haiir bandd...i buyy untiil $6.20...verniice buyy tiil $10.40..c0s shee gorrtt buaii earr-riingg...n thee earr-riingg costt $6.00...arberr buyy thiink wee all w3nn hm lerr...n iishh d endd obb myy daee...

Sunday, September 04, 2005 happyy-stopp

Saturday, September 03, 2005Y
t0opid idiot MDM YEO AI PING!!!

todae was so bad luck...i hate mdm yeo...todae at english lesson de shi huo...d3n gt 1 boii came iin to our klass n sae tt we gortt klass foto...bt miie,dorothy,vernice,hui hui,chin min n mei yun don't wan to take mah...d3n we all run to tel 3rd floor the toiilet ba le mah...d3n w3n we reach the klass room outsiide...shuay...saw her...d3n she ask us wh3re we go...we onli saett we go toiilet d3n w3n we come back youu all gone le mah...d3n she sae she don't wan to giive us bacck our hp...i wan so angry...argh...so angry...d3n after a few mr lim came n ask us...wh3re we hab gone...we sae we go toiilet...he oso naber care...y the t0opid idiot fuckling mdm yeowana to care so much...we oso nt her student...she onlii come n teach us engliish d3n w3n the bel riing...she can left liiao...y she sooo k-po...n oso lyk to kpkb...iidiiot she...onlii don't wan to goo take klass foto...jiiu don't wan to giive us back hp...ask her to go diied larr...fucking idiot...better w3n sk0ol re-open...h0pe tt don't siit the same bus as her...iif nt...sure shuay wan...wahaha...II HATE THE T0OPIID IIDIIOT MDM YEO AII PIING 4EVA...YOUU GOO N DIIED LARR...IDIOT...

Saturday, September 03, 2005 happyy-stopp

Friday, September 02, 2005Y

sam3 think wake up at 1osmth...go bath d3n wat fer vernice to prepare hAo...d3n arber tt we tw0 w3n to bugi n sh0p...i brought wallet,t-shirt n zhi hui de present...d3n vern brought skirt,t-shirt n zhi hui d3 present...i spent abt $50smth lyk tt...wana to broke liao..hehe...w3n we finish sholling bugi...we w3n bck ti cp n eat yoshi...arber finish our eating we w3n to 77th street n c wheather gt vernice wan de think mah...in the end...don't hab...haiiz...so sad...='(...

Friday, September 02, 2005 happyy-stopp

sam3 think wake up at 1osmth...go bath d3n wat fer vernice to prepare hAo...d3n arber tt we tw0 w3n to bugi n sh0p...i brought wallet,t-shirt n zhi hui de present...d3n vern brought skirt,t-shirt n zhi hui d3 present...i spent abt $50smth lyk tt...wana to broke liao..hehe...w3n we finish sholling bugi...we w3n bck to cp n eat yoshi...arber finish our eating we w3n to 77th street n c wheather gt vernice wan de think mah...in the end...don't hab...haiiz...so sad...='(...

Friday, September 02, 2005 happyy-stopp

Thursday, September 01, 2005Y

ErM...todae wake up eariler...cos todae gt cross-country...muz 7.30 reach there...so i wake up at 6a.m...d3n ask mi father to drove mi to dere bt he sae he v tired...so i ask my brother to drove m i there...at 6.45a.m hui hui come to my hse n look 4mi...we go dere together...at first wan to wait 4 yi tian n fiona de...my brother n mi wait till 6.50a.m lyk tt...d3n left my hse...wen we left my hse...i gt cal fiona to hurri up..bt in the end...i nv go wiib them...cos my brother de face turn black black de...we wait fer 5to 10min bt they still haf nt come...d3n they v late d3n reach...after the cross-country...mi n fiona go eat mos burger...it was so delicious...cos we were damn hungry...d3n arber tt we to min-toon n buy sweet n eat n w3n to four leaves to buy bread...d3n go hm liao...bt todae v unlucky...cos i forgt to bring my key out...bt luckily moii mother iish att hm...iif nt i sure stay at my d0Or till my cousiin come back...

Thursday, September 01, 2005 happyy-stopp